Sunday, February 25, 2007

Modeling Trouble

As a designer I know the core basics of Maya and 3d animation. As a student, this is an area that I am least familiar with. After spending a week trying to figure out how to do this piece I have found that if at first you don't succeed... find someone else to do it. I have purchase a model from the internet... The rigging part of the piece will probably come easy because the character only needs to be posed, rather than animated. Many of the students at Cada have been very helpful with this portion of my thesis. I have been studying the look of my project, and in my head playing what it will look like when this woman comes out of the wall. The the face needs to be semi accurate to the actual look of my model. Mainly the nose, and the lips need to be a match. However... I think I have found a way to keep my down loaded model with no changes and make her look like my actress. The steps to making Ally look like she's coming out of a wall are simple. I have factored in several ways to escape reality to make it look more real. I decided to texture my model with a design while she is in a wall. Therefore, when she comes out... she will still look like paint, and will transition into a manikin look. I then shot the background plate... so that I can import that into Maya as a texture for the Plane. I will simply push my model through the plane so that it looks like she is bulging out of the wall. I then go to a reaction shot of my actor. From their, I tend to the next shot of her feet which will already be out of the wall... I am thinking about using another 3d shot of her at the very end of the piece. The trick to everything in this project is manipulate the situation. So this weekend has been a sucess... although I feel behind... I am confident that by Friday I will have conquered this portion of my thesis.
Please give me any suggestions or comments.... or questions?

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